Wir sind einer der führenden und weltweit tätigen Hersteller für hochwertige Modelle aus Zinkdruckguss. Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 1968 in Nürnberg entwickeln wir unsere Produkte, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen ständig weiter, um die Erwartungen unserer Kunden zu erfüllen und zu übertreffen.
Als Familienunternehmen in der dritten Generation stellen wir den Status Quo immer wieder in Frage, um jeden Tag besser zu werden und gleichzeitig unsere erfolgreichen Traditionen zu bewahren. Diese Denkweise zeigt sich auch in unserem Slogan „Tradition in jedem Detail“, der die Grundlage unserer täglichen Arbeit und Entscheidungen bildet. Die Kombination aus langjähriger Tradition, umfassendem Know-how und dem ständigen Willen zu Wachstum und Innovation macht uns zu dem was wir heute sind und spielen daher eine wichtige Rolle in unserer anhaltenden Erfolgsgeschichte.
Wir sind stolz auf das, was wir bereits erreicht haben und wollen auch in Zukunft den Modellmarkt weiter mitgestalten. Dabei setzen wir auf unser engagiertes und kompetentes Team, auf unsere treuen und zufriedenen Kunden und auf unsere starken und zuverlässigen Partner. Gemeinsam schaffen und teilen wir die Freude am Modellbau.

Our vision is to be the leading scale model manufacturer whose products capture the essence and emotion of our customers' brands and products and to share them with the world.

Our mission is to create fascinating and captivating scale models that reflect the identity and emotion of our customers' brands and products. We achieve this by adhering to the highest standards of quality and innovation and by constantly challenging ourselves to improve. We are not just scale model makers, we are brand ambassadors who bring our customers' ideas and emotions to life in a smaller scale.

Passion: We are passionate about our craft and our customers' visions. We put our heart and soul into every model we create to deliver the best possible results.
Excellence: We uphold the highest standards of quality and innovation in our work. We use the latest technology and methods to produce scale models that are realistic, accurate and detailed. We are never satisfied with just the standard.
Collaboration: We work as a team with our customers, suppliers and colleagues. We value diversity, respect and trust in our relationships. We listen to each other's ideas and feedback and we support each other's growth and development.
Creativity: We embrace creativity and originality in our scale models. We seek to capture the essence and emotion of our customers' brands and products in unique and captivating ways. We are not afraid to experiment and try new things.
Integrity: We act with honesty, professionalism and responsibility in everything we do. We honor our commitments and deliver on our promises. We adhere to ethical and legal principles and protect the intellectual property of our customers and ourselves.
Our vision is to be the leading scale model manufacturer whose products capture the essence and emotion of our customers' brands and products and to share them with the world.
Our mission is to create fascinating and captivating scale models that reflect the identity and emotion of our customers' brands and products. We achieve this by adhering to the highest standards of quality and innovation and by constantly challenging ourselves to improve. We are not just scale model makers, we are brand ambassadors who bring our customers' ideas and emotions to life in a smaller scale.
Passion: We are passionate about our craft and our customers' visions. We put our heart and soul into every model we create to deliver the best possible results.
Excellence: We uphold the highest standards of quality and innovation in our work. We use the latest technology and methods to produce scale models that are realistic, accurate and detailed. We are never satisfied with just the standard.
Collaboration: We work as a team with our customers, suppliers and colleagues. We value diversity, respect and trust in our relationships. We listen to each other's ideas and feedback and we support each other's growth and development.
Creativity: We embrace creativity and originality in our scale models. We seek to capture the essence and emotion of our customers' brands and products in unique and captivating ways. We are not afraid to experiment and try new things.
Integrity: We act with honesty, professionalism and responsibility in everything we do. We honor our commitments and deliver on our promises. We adhere to ethical and legal principles and protect the intellectual property of our customers and ourselves.