General Contest Terms and Conditions

Participation Terms for the Instagram Contest by NZG Modelle GmbH


1. Scope

 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions of Participation for Contests (hereinafter referred to as „GTC“) apply to participation in all contests organized by NZG Nürnberger Zinkdruckguss-Modelle GmbH (NZG Modelle GmbH), Sigmundstraße 147, D-90431 Nürnberg (hereinafter referred to as „Organizer“). The GTC apply in their valid version at the time of participation.


2. Organizer

 The organizer of the contest is NZG Modelle GmbH and is not associated with Instagram.

3. Eligibility to Participate

3.1. Any natural person of legal age may participate. Minors may be eligible to participate, subject to applicable legal provisions, if permitted by the Organizer in the Specific Terms and Conditions of Participation and with the consent of their legal guardian. Employees of the Organizer (NZG Modelle GmbH) and their relatives are excluded from participation. Participation in paid contests (within the meaning of the Contest Rules of the State Media Authorities) is generally permitted from the age of 14. Participation in paid contest broadcasts (within the meaning of the Contest Rules of the State Media Authorities) is generally permitted from the age of 18.
3.2. Each participant can only participate in their own name and only once per contest.
3.3. Participation via contest agencies or other third parties that register the participant for multiple contests is excluded

4. Participation Requirements

To take part, participants must:
Follow the NZG Modelle GmbH Instagram and/or Facebook account.
Like the corresponding contest post.
Share the post in their Story.

5. Participation Methods

5.1. The Organizer generally offers the following methods of participation. The available methods are indicated in the respective Specific Terms and Conditions. The Organizer decides at its own discretion which participation methods will be available for a contest.
5.2. Contest Participation via Social Media Platform: Participation in a contest organized by the Organizer on a social media channel (hereinafter referred to as „Social Media Contest“) can only be done online and requires the participant to register on the respective social network (e.g., Facebook or Instagram) where the Social Media Contest takes place. Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Terms and Conditions, participation is free of charge; participants are only responsible for costs associated with internet usage (e.g., mobile or internet provider fees). By participating, participants agree to the applicable usage terms of the respective social network. Social media contests are solely the responsibility of the Organizer and are not sponsored, supported, or organized by the respective platform provider. All questions, comments, and complaints related to the contest must be directed to the Organizer, not the social media platform. Participants acknowledge that they do not acquire any claims against the platform provider by participating.
5.3. To participate, the participant’s name and additional personal data necessary for determining the winner and sending the prize, such as address, email address, and/or phone number, are required.
5.4. If the participant posts a social media contribution (e.g., a comment) as part of their participation, they agree that their social media profile will be linked to the Organizer’s platform. This will be visible to visitors of both the Organizer’s social media channel and the participant’s profile, depending on privacy settings.
5.5. The right to participate ends with the expiry of the contest participation period.

6. Early Termination and Exclusion

6.1. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or terminate a contest at any time for an important reason, particularly if proper execution cannot be guaranteed for technical or legal reasons. Participants do not have any claims in such cases.
6.2. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude participants who violate the conditions or attempt to manipulate the contest. Prizes may be revoked and reclaimed.

7. Winner Selection and Notification

7.1. The winners are determined by the Organizer, its employees, or third parties acting on behalf of the Organizer. Legal recourse is excluded.
7.2. Unless otherwise stated, winners are determined as follows:
7.3. Draw: In contests where the winner is determined by a draw, a random selection process is used among all registered participants who meet the conditions.
7.4. Unless otherwise stated, winners will be notified by phone, email, or post. For social media contests, winners will be notified via a comment on the original contest post, asking them to contact the Organizer via direct message to provide the necessary information. If the Organizer already knows the winner’s address, they may ship the prize directly.
7.5. The notified winner must confirm acceptance of the prize within one week. Failure to respond within this period will result in forfeiture of the prize, and a new winner may be selected.

8. Prize and Delivery

8.1. The prize is a Liebherr R 9600 in scale 1:50. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be paid out in cash.
8.2. Shipping costs to international locations are not covered. Additional costs incurred by the winner are not included unless explicitly stated.
8.3. For tangible prizes, cash alternatives and exchanges are excluded. If the winner cannot claim the prize (e.g., due to time constraints), it will be forfeited.
8.4. The prize is generally delivered by the Organizer.
8.5. The winner will be notified via direct message on Instagram within 7 days after the contest ends. If the winner does not respond within 7 days, a new winner will be selected.

9. Liability

9.1. The Organizer is not liable for technical disruptions that may affect participation.
9.2. The Organizer’s obligations are fulfilled with the delivery of the prize.

10. Data Protection

10.1. In the case of a win, the winner’s name will be published. Collected data is used solely for contest execution and deleted afterward.
10.2. By participating, participants agree to the use of their data for prize shipment.
10.3. Personal data is required for registration and prize delivery. For social media contests, participation may be possible via a registered social media profile.
10.4. Non-essential data will only be collected with the participant’s consent.
10.5. Collected data is used only for the contest and is not shared without explicit consent. Data will be deleted after the contest and legal retention periods have expired.
10.6. The Organizer may be required by law to store and disclose data.

11. General Data Protection Information:

The participant has the right a) to request information (Art. 15 GDPR) about the personal data processed by the organizer; b) to request rectification, erasure or restriction (Art. 16-18 GDPR) of the processing of their personal data; c) to receive personal data that the participant has provided to the organizer in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to request transmission to another controller (Art. 20 GDPR). The participant can send such requests to the above address of the organizer or to The participant also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular with the authority of their usual place of residence or the registered office of the organizer (Art. 77 GDPR)

12. Miscellaneous

12.1. This contest is not affiliated with Instagram and is not sponsored by Instagram.
12.2. The Organizer reserves the right to change the terms and conditions within legal limits.
12.3. German law applies to the contest. Legal recourse is excluded.
Last updated: October 2024
End of the General Terms and Conditions for Contests of NZG Modelle GmbH